About AMS in G2A

About Université Alioune Diop de Bambey

Université Alioune Diop comes from the ’College Universitaire regional (CUR) de Bambey’, which was founded in 2004, although the teaching finally started in 2007. Since 2009, the Bambey CUR has been transformed into a full-service university. 

The  Departpment  of Mathematics of Université Alioune Diop de Bambey ’(UADB) is housed in the Unite de Formation et de Recherche Sciences Appliquées et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (UFR SATIC). The Department exists since 2011 and initially it offers two Bachelor degrees in Mathematics and Statistics and Business Intelligence degrees. Today, the department has expanded its training programs to Master and doctorate levels. Indeed, it offers three Master degrees in Statistics, Business Intelligence, Non Linear Analysis and Geometry and also Probability and Statistics. 

In addition, beyond teaching activities, the department is increasingly developing its research activities. For instance, since the beginning of the 2014-2015 academic year, weekly seminars, called Maths-Hebdo, have been conducted by faculty members of the department, visiting professors and Master students. This seminar aims to better prepare students for research and scientific communications. Also, it is a forum for exchange between young scholars, researchers from the sub-region and those around the world. 

About AMS

The African Mathematical Schools (EMA) of the African Mathematical Union (AMU) is supported by the International Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics (CIMPA).

The duration of an EMA is between 2 and 4 weeks and has the following main objectives:

  • Provide Master students or early PhD students with the mathematical foundations and essential tools of selected active areas of mathematics.
  • Contribute to the development of mathematics in all regions of the African continent by promoting the exchange of knowledge between young African mathematicians and the international mathematical community.
  • Break the isolation of African mathematicians by providing a platform for meeting fellow mathematicians from around the world, for exchanging knowledge and for sharing experience.

A call for application is published every year in early summer for the organisation of EMA the following year. Proposals are evaluated by an UMA-CIMPA common scientific committee.

Objectives AMS in Geometry, Analysis and Applications

The objective of the school is to organize a meeting in geometry and analysis between graduate students and young researchers with specialists in order to develop these mathematical domains in the West African region. This will reinforce existing courses in Geometry, Analysis and its applications recently introduced at Université Alioune Diop. 

The first goal is to initiate students from Bachelor and Master programs by offering courses on these topics. 

The second consists in trying to orient students from the master’s level towards current research topics, which may have a certain openness in the future, without forgetting  ”applications of analysis and geometry” side an aspect in full development. 

The third objective is to identify promising students and more to motivate, to supervise, to direct and to help them eventually go further towards mathematical research.

About areas of focus 

 Université Alioune Diop is in a developing country, Senegal, the EMA will allow to improve the Master degrees program. Therefore, to support the training offered at the UADB on the one hand and support the UFR SATIC on the other hand, we deem it necessary to create an African Mathematical School (AMS) at Université Alioune Diop on a double cluster. The first area of focus is Geometry. This concerns fundamentals concepts of Geometry and the nature of this area could really attract young students and colleagues from the UFR SATIC in the process of creation of a postgraduate program incorporating timely and on focus area themes in mathematics. The second focus area is Analysis. This area will be of great support and stimulation to students and lecturers of the UADB and will also foster a mobilization of colleagues in the department of mathematics of UADB. 

Thus, we would like to organize this African Mathematical School during the period between March 14 to March 26, 2023. It is entitled: Geometry, Analysis and Applications (G2A). This school targets students who have just completed their Bachelor degrees and are registered for a postgraduate program in mathematics from the UADB and other Senegalese universities, PhD students and young researchers from countries around Senegal.